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How to manage an abundance of buyers in an exploding real estate market

Despite restrictions, the Real Estate Market is surging to unprecedented levels in many parts of Australia & New Zealand, and successful agents are reporting more incoming enquiries and property inspections than ever before.

The juggle is now how to best manage these new contacts, keep up-to-date with the overflow of enquiries and all with a focus on converting buyers to sellers. And it all needs to be done with less face-to-face contact.

We’ve got a few tips to help you get ahead of the curve.

Enquiry capture

This data is essential. It’s your best chance for new leads and new relationships. But, time spent manually entering leads from one system into another is a waste.

Use tools that help automate the process. An effective CRM will capture enquiry from your own website along with leading portals (like realestate.com.au).

Enquiry qualification

Once you’ve established a place for all of this new data to live, you’ll need to review and then action. Based on the enquiry, you’ll want to assess the details and decide if this is a current contact, a new contact, or no contact. If your database or CRM includes an app, you may be able to speed up the process and do this step from your phone.

After qualifying your leads, you will no doubt be sending them regular updates to keep the engaged. A good CRM will automate this step for you by ensuring that all of your potential buyers are kept in the loop with what similar properties you have available now, or coming up in your pipeline, without the manual labour required to do so, 

Regular criteria-matched property alerts are also a powerful selling point when those buyers are looking for an agency to sell with.

Automate common requests processes & procedures where possible

It may be a new experience for every buyer and vendor- but an experienced agent has seen it all. Over and over again.

Find ways to minimise the time it takes to handle frequently asked questions:

Can I have a contract?
A well-designed website can provide these important documents while also acting as lead-generation. A quick form that captures details before providing a PDF will mean more contacts for your database and less time emailing (or printing!) contracts.

How do I make an offer? 
Consider using a link you could text or email to buyers that allows them to submit an online offer. The web based form can help guide them through the process while generating the information you need to present to your vendor.

What’s the land size? How many bathrooms are there? Is it town water?
Imagine if you could send every Inspection attendee a custom URL that provides all of the listing details, all of your contact details, and gives them the chance to Request a Contract, Make an Offer, Ask for Follow Up. Each buyer will feel like you’ve made an extra effort… and you’ll have done it without any effort!

Using these technology-rich solutions you’ll stay ahead of any requests, while still keeping track of all of the details within your own database.

There’s nothing new about what buyers need, but the sheer amount of people out there means agents need new approaches to help manage the process. ReNet can help you put technology in place to shoulder some of the load, leaving you time to prospect for more listings.

If you’re considering using new technology to manage the overflow of buyers, click the link below to learn more about how ReNet can help.

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