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Keeping Your Pipeline Full in a Low Volume Market

With COVID induced limitations on market activity, it’s an opportune time to look at ways that successful agents are keeping their pipeline full during a low volume market.

In many areas, buyers are unable to easily inspect properties and auctions are being moved online or postponed, and many vendors who would otherwise look to sell now, appear to be proceeding with caution. This caution, experts say, has resulted in a decrease in listing volume.

However - with FOMO amongst buyers intensifying, the present lack of available properties has had the inverse effect on sales prices (arrow up) and days on market (arrow down), both of which are trending towards an especially large post-covid selling season.

With a market rebound looming, we’ve put together a brief roadmap for keeping your pipeline full through COVID.

1/ Widen your net when advertising online

In most cases, the more eyes viewing your listings, the better.

ReNet helps you widen your net when looking for buyers, through our single point of entry bulk uploading software. With ReNet you can enter & update your listings in one place > and we will send the information to an array of the most popular real estate portal websites of your choice. This allows you to attract as many eyes to your listings and your brand as possible, without having to run from one website to another.

In addition to our bulk uploading technology, we automatically import the online leads you generate into your ReNet CRM. This powerful enquiry capture system aggregates all your leads in one place. Making any subsequent prospecting and targeted marketing easier and giving you valuable reporting data when showcasing your software to potential vendors during listing presentations.

2/ Save time with automation

Capturing and nurturing warm leads and converting the hot ones into sales often comes down to the tools at your disposal. Similarly, listing presentations are often won or lost on the back of how you demonstrate how many qualified buyers you have in your database, ready to buy. With the right software, winning and selling listings is easier.

A key feature of the ReNet software is our industry leading Touchpoints Automatic Alerts system. It sends automatic targeted emails to your database for properties that match their individual requirements and preferences.

Additionally, with ReNet you also have the ability to set up canned automated responses thanking people for attending an Inspection, making an offer or simply enquiring on a property. These auto-responses are a nice personal touch with huge utility value, allowing you to easily distribute listing contracts, application forms or other public listing documents without having to manually send them out.

3/ Stay connected with past clients & prospects

Gone are the days of printing out your call-list, scribbling down notes and reminders after each phone call, and then spending hours deciphering those notes and inputting all of that information back into your CRM. With ReNet, we make phone prospecting easy with our Phone Canvassing tool.

The Phone Canvassing tool allows you to segment your database and then work your way through them one-by-one with onscreen prompts allowing you to mark the call as answered or not, leave a call note, and set a reminder to follow up after each call, and then simply move to the next contact on the list.

Picking up where you left off or following-up after an initial attempt to call is a breeze with the Phone Canvass tool. The benefit is that if you only get through half your list before your meeting or you need to circle back to the people on your list who didn't answer when you tried calling the first time - this can be done without wasting time.

4/ Print & digital marketing.

With your listings advertised online, your leads being captured and engaged via targeted alerts and your hottest prospects & key clients being regularly updated through a combination of automatic alerts and phone calls, what’s next?

At ReNet, we provide a suite of print and electronic marketing & communication tools to allow you to stay engaged with your clients in meaningful ways. For example:

Electronic Marketing

- Market Updates / What’s happening in the area / Newsletters 

- Pre Market / Off-Market Listings 

- Open Homes this weekend 

- Our recent sales 

- Lead Gen Promotions & Offers (e.g. Free Appraisals, Referral reward offer) 

- Electronic Vendor Reports 

PDF Marketing

- Window Cards 

- Brochures & Booklets

- Stocklists & Reports 

SMS Marketing 

- Post inspection follow-ups 

- Bulk SMS blast for upcoming open homes 

5/ Keep Learning & fine tuning.

In a sales industry, it can be tempting to stick with what you know. 

Although routine is the bedrock of efficiency it can also lead to complacency. What works for one team, may not work for another, and what worked for you last year, might not be as successful tomorrow. 

A crucial aspect of finding new leads is trying new things. New strategies and technologies can help you to reveal new opportunities for yourself and your business. At ReNet, we have a skilled Support & Training team dedicated to helping clients learn, up-skill  and take advantage of the bevy of advanced tools and features available within the software. 

Keeping your pipeline full is all about frequent and quality engagement with the people in your database. With the right tools helping you, you can continue to smash your goals in a low volume market.

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