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Boost Productivity at Home Using your CRM

There’s no doubt working from home has its perks. You get to set your own schedule, save on your daily commute, duck out for a coffee whenever you like all while working from the comfort of your own home. Or maybe you’re the type to roll out of bed, head straight to your home office still in your PJs, while reluctantly doing a sneaky top change to make yourself somewhat presentable before your Zoom meeting commence.

The luxuries of working from home sound good in theory, but without a set routine your productivity levels can suffer. The distractions of working from home like hungry kids (or a hungry husband), pets wanting attention, a comfy couch, the constant reminder of the washing you need to fold or the lawn that needs to be mowed triggers unwanted pressures on your working day affecting your ability to concentrate and stay focused.

It’s safe to say, acclimatising to this new remote working environment can be tricky. This is especially true for those agents who thrive off the energy of others using the competition of in person sales meetings to drive their productivity.

However, your productivity doesn’t need to suffer just because you’re not ‘in the office’. Turns out your CRM does more than just manage your clients and uncover leads. In fact, your CRM can actually help boost productivity and increase efficiency whether you’re working from home or back in the office.

Here are 3 of our favourite ways to boost productivity using your CRM

1. Create reminders using tasks & trails

We all love a good to-do list and the satisfaction that comes with checking off a completed task. Using ReNet’s Tasks & Trails feature, you can easily set, track or allocate tasks for yourself or your team. Choose from a variety of task types such as recurring tasks, contact-related tasks or tasks assigned to properties.

Keeping track of these tasks is simple. You can view your tasks via your Touchpoints App or under the Tasks tab on ReNet’s main screen. Plus you’ll receive an email notification the morning the task is due. Make it a habit to set tasks and visit your Tasks page to keep track of what needs to be done and prepare for any upcoming tasks. You’ll feel so much more productive while kicking goals and clearing up mental space.

According to our Head Trainer, Varelle, our clients love to set automated reminders such as anniversary trails every 12 months and follow-ups after inspections, open homes and market appraisals. If you need help setting up these tasks, just email our support team support@renet.com.au.

2. Create warm call lists and schedule a dedicated call task

Calling your contacts is one of the most productive tasks agents can do right now, but staring at a cold list paired with a lack of motivation is a recipe for instant procrastination. Suddenly, those other household tasks you’ve been putting off look a lot more appealing. The fact is, you shouldn’t have to resort to cold calling when you have a CRM full of information you can leverage.

Instead, compile a WARM call list and filter out your engaged contacts based on certain parameters. For example, make a list of everyone who attended your open home in the past 6 months or anyone who has clicked on your properties from your e-brochure. Or if you have a new listing, compile a list of contacts who have the same buyer preferences and let them know about the new property.

The choices of creating your targeted call list are endless. The key to creating an effective call list is to have a clear objective of what you want to achieve from the call and then focus your energy on those contacts who are already engaged. You’ll be more inclined to make effective calls when you know who exactly you’re targeting and what you want to talk to them about.

Once you have your list, or multiple lists, set a recurring task dedicated to making calls. Don’t forget to log your notes straight after each call! You’ll be thanking yourself when you need to remember what was said during the conversation or use information you can leverage in the future.

3. Automate repetitive tasks

Instantly boost productivity by automating repetitive tasks, leaving room for you to focus on other things that require more brainpower. One of our favourite automated tasks is our automated e-brochures. These automated e-brochures will save you plenty of time while helping to complete other tasks like creating call lists or vendor reports.

When a contact is added into your CRM via an enquiry, you can subscribe them to automatic property alerts. This means they’ll automatically get an e-brochure based on their buyer preferences (which can be updated or changed at any time). All you need to do is keep track of the engagement within these emails, who’s clicking on what and creating warm call lists based on this engagement.

From these automated emails and other information you’ve gathered from client notes, inspections and other tasks, you can basically automate and pull together a comprehensive vendor report (minus the heavy lifting of creating a report from scratch). Simply select the information you want to send to the owner, including any graphs, number of inquiries plus any inspection feedback while ReNet will do the work to make it look great.

Key takeaways: 

Staying productive while working from home doesn’t need to be a big challenge. With a few simple tweaks to your daily working routine and leveraging the information you already have in your CRM, you’ll be surprised by the amount of time you can free up while keeping you on track of your daily tasks.

Happy client Adam Wishart from 4047 Property, he says, “With your system all I have to do is click. Your system I would say has saved me at least 1 to 1 1.5 hours per week which is money in the bank. Your open home app is also unreal as I can list a property and send it to all buyers from previous open homes right in front of the owners!”

For more information on saving more time with ReNet, click here to speak with our team.

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