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3 essential elements of modern Real Estate website design

Many third party web designers can build a great looking website... but get stuck when it comes to ensuring the site they’ve built can handle the realities of the Real Estate space.

1. A Real Estate website should have a greater goal:

Any successful marketing plan relies on reaching out to individuals with your brand's message and converting them into buyers and/or sellers.

Print, television, and radio advertisements were previously the primary means of attracting new buyers. Real Estate Agencies today employ social media, digital advertising, and websites as their key methods for spreading the word about what they do and how well they do it!

Your agency or personal website, like every other part of your marketing strategy, should have well defined goals and mechanisms to quantify its effectiveness. That means easy to manage SEO, Reporting Tools and 3rd party plugin options for tracking and performance metrics - which are all out-of-the-box features with any ReNet designed website.

2. Lead generation:

Newsletters, incentives, webinar invitations, and other marketing materials are all ways to stay in touch with customers.

A call to action on an Agency website is required to generate new leads by collecting email addresses from visitors. Buyers email addresses are collected by leading them through a series of steps that leads to a contact form or by displaying a basic signup form in a prominent location on the website.

ReNet's website designs keep lead generation front of mind, with streamlined call-to-action options and user experience focussed layout & design.

3. Your website should be updated with dynamic content on a regular basis:

We've all come across websites that appear to be dead ends. It gives the sense of being abandoned when nothing changes on the landing page and the blog hasn't been updated in years. It's almost as though digitised tumbleweeds are blowing through these neglected web places.

Depending on the season, change the promotions on landing pages. Maintain an active blog. Add fresh videos to the mix. Maintain a fantastic website that is always updated with new and high-quality information that people will want to visit again and again. Having dynamic, relevant and fresh information such as a blog, can also help with organic SEO rankings. 

ReNet's in-house web design team have built successful real estate websites for over 1000+ agencies across Australia and New Zealand. We work with agents to translate their brand vision into reality harnessing our extensive experience in the Real Estate website & software space. If you’d like to consider your options with ReNet click the button below to get in touch with us today.

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